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    여행/볼거리 2010. 1. 22. 16:23

    An amateur star-gazer has stunned astronomers around the world with these amazing photographs of the universe - taken from his garden shed.

    Peter Shah, 38, cut a hole in the roof of his wooden shed and set up his modest eight-inch telescope inside.

    After months of patiently waiting for the right moment, he captured a series of striking images of the Milky Way from the comfort of his own back garden.

    telescope pictures taken by Peter Shah

    Striking: Amateur astronomer Peter Shah captured this incredible image of The Pleiades from a telescope in his garden shed

    His photographs show a vivid variety of star clusters light years from Earth and have been compared favourably with the images taken from the £2.5billion Hubble telescope.

    But Mr Shah spent only £20,000 to equip his garden shed with a telescope linked to his home computer.


    He said: 'Most men like to potter about in their garden shed - but mine is a bit more high tech than most.

    'I have fitted it with a sliding roof so I can sit in comfort and look at the heavens.

    Peter Shah telescope pictures

    Patient: Mr Shah spent months in his back garden carefully capturing the images, including this one of The Monkey's Head nebula

    Peter Shah telescope pictures

    Universe: The collection of images, including this one of The Bubble nebula, has been compared with those taken by the £2.5billion Hubble telescope

    'I have a very modest set up but it just goes to show that a window to the universe is there for all of us - even with the smallest budgets.

    'I had to be patient and take the images over a period of several months because the skies in Britain after often clouded over and you need clear conditions.'

    The office worker, who lives in a hillside bungalow at Meifod, near Welshpool, Powys, has been an avid astronomer since his mother bought him a £5 telescope when he was seven.

    His images include the Monkey's Head nebula, M33 Pinwheel Galaxy, Andromeda Galaxy and the Flaming Star nebula.

    Peter Shah telescope pictures

    Inspired: Mr Shah has been a keen astronomer since his mother bought him a £5 telescope when he was seven. Pictured here is the M33 Pinwheel Galaxy

    Peter Shah telescope pictures

    Budget: Mr Shah, 38, fitted his garden shed with a sliding roof and spent £20,000 linking his telescope to his home computer before capturing the images

    Mr Shah's pictures, which are each made up of about 30 frames, will be published in a new book entitled Mirror Image.

    His wife Lisa has supported him through his long nights of star-gazing, supplying endless cups of coffee.

    And the couple's two-year-old son Oliver is already showing an interest in his father's hobby.

    Mr Shah said: 'It's a fascinating subject, there's so much going on up there and I'm very proud of being able to capture images from my shed.'

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1244686/Amateur-star-gazer-captures-astonishing-images-Milky-Way-hole-roof-garden-shed.html#ixzz0dK7jfcsN

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