
  • anno 1404 venice Achievements
    취미/게임 2011. 1. 9. 17:15

    ANNO 1404 생산라인

    ANNO 1404 건물 위치 설정

    ANNO 1404 서방 건물

    ANNO 1404 유목민 건물

    ANNO 1404 공적

    ANNO 1404 효율적인 배치 방법

    ANNO 1404 VENICE 잼 증가 (치트)

    ANNO 1404 Silver Ship 얻기 (잼 치트 보다 먼저 하셔야 합니다.)

    ANNO 1404 잼 증가 (치트)

    ANNO 1404 ?? 업적

    ANNO 1404 Venice V2.01.5010 7 Trainer 및 Special Item List

    ANNO 1404 에서 배의 역활

    100 Gems
    Set the Corsair difficulty level to "Insane" in a Multiplayer Session and successfully complete the Quest "The last contingent".

    Trust no one
    Become an expert in the art of Sabotage. Complete these Achievements:
    Viva la Revolución!
    You bet your life…
    As long as my wife doesn't find out…
    Speak to us…
    Title: The Saboteur
    New portrait: Reliable Spy

    New challenges
    Set sail for new shores. Complete these Achievements:
    Braking is for losers
    Where is that damned boathook? 

    Support your new mentor Giacomo Garibaldi. Follow these Quest series to the very end:
    Carnival V
    Urgent Business III
    Solid as a Rock IV
    Reallocation IV
    Oriental Food III
    Title: Venetian Gentleman

    20 Gems
    Complete 10 public Quests in a Multiplayer game before your opponents can do so.

    Bread and circuses
    Hold a total of 50 Tournaments.

    Braking is for losers
    Complete a total of 50 "Ship Race" quests.

    Where is that damned boathook?
    Complete a total of 50 "Board Ship" quests.

    Entry around the rear
    Infiltrate a total of 100 enemy Houses.

    Who have we here?
    Put your detective skills to the proof. Uncover a total of 100 enemy-infiltrated Houses.
    Title: The Sleuth

    Get to work!
    Earn a total of 100,000 Gold coins for turning away Beggars.

    Mortifying interrogation
    Use the "Smoke out enemy Safe House" action a total of 50 times.

    Smoke your opponent out. Lay a total of 20 fires in foreign cities.

    Viva la Revolución!
    Foment a total of 20 rebellions in foreign cities.

    You bet your life…
    Poison a total of 20 wells in foreign cities.

    As long as my wife doesn't find out…
    Get the customers at Oriental Basars to empty their pockets 20 times.

    Speak to us…
    Send a total of 20 false prophets to foreign cities.

    You never know…
    Acquire in one single game all the Attainments Giacomo Garibaldi has to offer.

    Master detective
    Provide certainty. In the Scenario "The di Mercante Case", complete these Quests:
    Under Suspicion
    Unknown Cargo

    Caught in the act
    Prevent 50 enemy Henchmen from causing trouble in your city.

    Hidden (10 Gems)
    No! We're going to settle this now!
    Refuse 20 offers of peace.

    Failure to render assistance
    Refuse or don’t complete 30 Quests in which you are supposed to rescue Castaways.

    It's not what you think…
    Be caught in 10 acts of Sabotage in one game.
    Title awarded: Fumbler

    Alms for the poor! Please!
    In the Scenario "A Rotten Bet", ask for Tribute from Lord Richard Northburgh, Grand Vizier Al Zahir or Giacomo Garibaldi.

    100 Gems
    A place in the sun
    Build a city which is home to 1000 Envoys before you build your first Peasant house.

    A fitting home
    Build a monument to yourself.

    Build a Palace consisting of at least 10 elements.

    Quickly, please!
    Entice Noblemen to settle in your city in just 01:30:00 hours. 

    Flying Envoys
    Entice Envoys to settle in your city in just 01:00:00 hours.

    Assembly line
    Reach a Population of 12,000 in just 01:00:00 hours.

    Faster than Hell
    Prove how quick you are. Complete these Achievements:
    Quickly, please!
    Flying Envoys
    Assembly line

    Hidden (10 Gems)
    Turning the wheels
    Build 20 large Norias.

    Hocus abacus pocus
    Build 10 Bailiwicks.

    Disturbing the dead
    Demolish 5 Graveyards.

    Carried away
    Build 4 Historic Warehouses on one island.

    Shove that stuff in there!
    Build 20 small Storehouses on one island.

    I decide who lives here…
    Deliberately raise a House to the next stage of Civilization 100 times.

    Riffraff out!
    Demolish 20 Alms houses.

    Change the appearance of House facades 100 times.

    Trust is good, surveillance is better
    Build 20 Bases of Operations.

    Lord of the Reefs
    Settle all the islands in the Scenario "Archipelago".

    100 Gems
    Head of the Council
    Expand your influence throughout the world. Complete these Achievements:
    I do not build, I have OTHERS build for me
    Resistance is futile!
    Title: The Councilman

    Money is power
    Line your pockets well.
    Complete these Achievements:
    I deliver anything, anywhere, anytime - every time
    Honourable Business
    New portrait: Giacomo Garibaldi

    20 Gems
    I do not build, I have OTHERS build for me
    Acquire a total of 15 City Keys.

    Resistance is futile!
    Acquire a total of 50 Council seats.

    Sell 500,000 Gold coins' worth of Goods to foreign Trading fleets.

    I deliver anything, anywhere, anytime - every time
    Sell 500,000 Gold coins' worth of Goods at foreign Harbours.

    Honourable business
    Earn 10,000 Honour points through Trade with the Harbour Islands.

    Venetian workmanship
    Build the following number of these ships in a single game:
    Small Tradesman's Cogs: 10
    Large Tradesman's Cogs: 10

    No Bards allowed!
    Acquire 3 City Keys from Leif Jorgensen's islands in the Scenario "The Key to Power".

    Put your money where your mouth is
    Earn 100,000 Gold coins through Trade in the Scenario "Elysium".

    Hidden (10 Gems)
    Paying through the nose
    Buy 50,000 Gold coins' worth of Goods from foreign Trading fleets.

    I'll take that and that and that over there, too
    Buy 50,000 Gold coins' worth of Goods at foreign Harbours.

    Camel driver
    Buy 500t of Goods from the Caravanserai.

    Those poor donkeys
    Brother Hilarius says "Thank you". Buy 500t of Goods from the Mountain monastery.

    Spending spree
    You are a valued customer. Earn these Achievements:
    Paying through the nose
    I'll take that and that and that over there, too
    Camel driver
    Those poor donkeys
    Title awarded: The Prodigal

    Do you have anything to declare?
    Receive 500t of Goods through Customs duties.
    Title awarded: The Customs Officer

    Economic crisis
    "Master" these Achievements:
    Fine, then I'll just buy it all back!
    Why do I even bother?

    Fine, then I'll just buy it all back!
    Lose 50 Council seats to other Players.

    Why do I even bother?
    All that building for nothing! Lose 10 City Keys.

    Could you tell me where Murano is?
    Produce 500t of Glass.

    Alcohol is not a solution
    Your Population consumes 1,000t of Beer in a single game.
    Title awarded: The Brewmaster

    And how is anything supposed to grow there?
    Simultaneously own 5 empty Norias in a single game.

    Pretty choosy
    Change the Selection of Goods on offer at the Harbour Islands 20 times.

    There's still room in the attic
    Have 20 Items stored in one of your Warehouses.

    100 Gems
    Get off my beach!
    Destroy a total of 50 enemy Castles.

    Smash them to rubble!
    Destroy a total of 50 enemy Keeps.

    Cultured carnage
    Teach your enemies the meaning of fear.

    Complete these Achievements:
    Get off my beach!
    Smash them to rubble!

    Your house is my house
    Force the Corsairs to their knees in the Scenario "Barren Islands".

    20 Gems
    Stress test
    Destroy the following types of Ships 10 times each:
    Small Tradesman's Cog: 10
    Large Tradesman's Cog: 10

    Defeat 10 other Players in Multiplayer Mode.

    Title: The Victorious

    Easy targets
    Defeat 3 easy Computer opponents in a single game.

    If you shoot, I'll shoot back!
    Destroy a Fortified tower in the Scenario “Istar’s Labyrinth".

    They can't touch me…
    Destroy 15 Naval ships in the Scenario "Scourge of the Seven Seas".

    I could turn myself in
    Ensure a bounty of 80,000 Gold coins is placed upon your head in the Scenario "Scourge of the Seven Seas".

    Like a proper Corsair
    Spread fear and terror by accomplishing these Achievements:
    They can't touch me…
    I could turn myself in
    Title: Scourge of the Seas

    Get out of here!
    Defeat Baronessa Constanza Zanchi within 01:00:00 hours in the Scenario "Pact with a Bard".

    Hidden (10 Gems)
    How mean!
    Destroy an enemy Flagship right at the start of play.

    That's going to be expensive…
    Lose 10 Large Tradesman's Cogs.

    100 Gems
    I'll go alone…
    Win the Scenario “Istar’s Labyrinth" without repairing the Ghost ship.

    Time? What is time?
    Win the Scenario “Istar’s Labyrinth" within 01:00:00 hours.

    Explorers this way, please!
    Complete these Achievements in Scenario “Istar’s Labyrinth":
    I'll go alone…
    Time? What is time?
    If you shoot, I'll shoot back!
    Title: The Single-Minded

    I've seen the world
    Complete these Achievements:
    Eye for eye
    Willem wants to know!
    Good advice does not come cheap
    Forever grateful
    Where is everyone?
    Debts? Who has debts here?
    Big city in a bottle
    Easy peasy!
    Top secret!
    To err is human
    The tax haven
    Forever grateful
    Talk about barren!

    I'm the best
    Complete these Achievements in the Scenarios:
    Master detective
    No Bards allowed!
    Put your money where your mouth is
    Your house is my house
    Like a proper Corsair
    Get out of here!
    Explorers this way, please!
    I've seen the world 
    I work best under pressure
    Title: The Globetrotter

    Well done
    Prove that you are a true ANNO expert by accomplishing these Achievements:
    Trust no one
    New challenges
    A place in the sun
    A fitting home
    Faster than Hell
    Head of the Council
    Money is power
    Cultured carnage
    I'm the best
    Title: Archduke of the Empire

    20 Gems
    Eye for eye
    Complete the Scenario "Vendetta!".

    Willem wants to know!
    Complete the Scenario "Ray of Hope".

    Good advice does not come cheap
    Complete the Scenario "The Key to Power".

    I don't believe in curses!
    Complete the Scenario "Reign of the Elements".

    Where is everyone?
    Complete the Scenario "Close to the Wind".

    Debts? Who has debts here?
    Complete the Scenario "The di Mercante Case".

    Big city in a bottle
    Complete the Scenario "Archipelago".

    Easy peasy!
    Complete the Scenario "A Rotten Bet".

    Complete the Scenario "Scourge of the Seven Seas".

    Complete the Scenario "Noblesse Oblige".

    Top secret!
    Complete the Scenario "Incognito".

    To err is human
    Complete the Scenario "Istar’s Labyrinth".

    The tax haven
    Complete the Scenario "Elysium".

    Forever grateful
    Complete the Scenario "Pact with a Bard".

    Talk about barren!
    Complete the Scenario "Barren Islands".

    I work best under pressure
    Complete the Scenario "Incognito" 30 minutes before deadline.

    Hidden (10 Gems)
    Shouldn't we be going to war soon?
    Spend 10:00:00 hours in a Multiplayer Game.

    Do you smell smoke?
    Lose 20 Buildings through volcanic eruptions.

    Saving is safer
    Save a game 100 times.

    I think I'll try that again
    Load a game 100 times.

    All good things come in threes…
    You don't leave anything to chance - prove that through these Achievements:
    Saving is safer
    I think I'll try that again

    Title awarded: The Security Fanatic

    Don't talk! Play!
    Use the Chat function 100 times in Multiplayer mode.

    Actions speak louder than words
    Don’t use the Chat function once in 03:00:00 hours in a Multiplayer Game.

    Title awarded: The Silent

    A shut mouth catches no flies
    Sometimes this, sometimes that! Earn these Achievements:
    Don't talk! Play!
    Actions speak louder than words

    I seem to be doing something wrong…
    Lose a scenario 10 times.

    I'll turn a blind eye
    Complete the Scenario “Incognito" solely by bribing the Committee.



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