
  • ANNO 1404 와 베니스 경제 업적
    취미/게임 2016. 1. 14. 15:16


    Economy Achievements




    Leave trading to the Boss

    Achieve the city status of Metropolis without ever placing any goods to trade in your warehouses.
    섬에 생산 제품 없이 대도시(3500 Noblemen / 5240 Envoys) 건설 업적

    Tip : 모든 물건은 다른 섬에서 제작 수집해서 공급해야 합니다.

    Title: The Wholesale Merchant of the Realm
    Gems: 100

    Order of the Treasurer

    Stockpile 999 tons of all goods in a warehouse in a game.

    섬에 모든 제품이 999 개가 채워지면 업적

    Tip : “Leave trading to the Boss” 같이 업적하면 편함
    하나를 지정해 창고 만들고 계속 넣으면 업적 가능

    Title: The Treasurer
    Gems: 100

    The Road Map in Your Head

    Achieve the city status of "Major City" in a game without ever creating a trading route.
    해상루트를 만들지 않고 부호와 대사를 만들면 업적
    Note: This cannot be achieved in a multiplayer game or scenario.
    멀티플레이에서는 업적이 되지 않습니다.
    (Version 1.0 incorrectly required reaching the next higher city status of "Commercial Center" but patch 1.1 (and all later patches) fixed this to correctly require the intended "Major City" (950 Noblemen or 1,740 Envoys) status.)

    Tip : 모든 배는 직접 손으로 이동하셔야 합니다.

    Title: Your Majesty's Purveyor to the Court
    Gems: 100

    Am I Croesus?

    Accumulate 1,000,000 gold coins in a game.

    1,000,000 골드를 축적하면 업적

    Title: The Millionaire
    Gems: 100

    Vitamin B

    Accumulate 10,000 honour in a game.

    10,000 명예를 얻으면 업적

    Title: Honorable
    Gems: 100

    Order of the Keepers

    Obtain these achievements:

    §  Imperial Advertisement

    §  Full Treasuries

    §  The box of tricks

    §  The junk room

    Title: The Keeper of the Imperial Regalia
    Gems: 100

    Imperial Advertisement

    Obtain these achievements:

    §  The Sea Dogs

    §  Seven voyages

    §  The left and right wooden leg of the Devil

    §  Hammer and anvil

    §  Swords of the faithful

    §  The Freemasons' Lodge

    §  Does the part also comply with the industry standard?

    §  Open your baggage please

    Title: Imperial Herald
    Gems: 100

    Full Treasuries

    Obtain these achievements:

    §  Green Thumb

    §  Handyman

    §  Flat Earth? What nonsense!

    §  Animal Lover

    Title: The Looting Expert
    Gems: 100

    The box of tricks

    Obtain these achievements:

    §  BOOM!

    §  Clear to board!

    §  Move on, there's nothing to see!

    §  And if you're not willing...

    §  On behalf of Your Majesty

    §  Quick! Has anyone got some white underwear?

    Title: The Looting Expert
    Gems: 100

    The junk room

    Obtain these achievements:

    §  Perhaps we could use that again?

    §  Not exactly the Holy Grail

    Title: The Unlucky
    Gems: 100

     Head of the Council

    Expand your influence throughout the world. Complete these Achievements:

    §  I do not build, I have OTHERS build for me

    §  Resistance is futile!

    Title: The Councilman
    Gems: 100

     Money is power

    Line your pockets well. Complete these Achievements:

    §  Salesmanship

    §  I deliver anything, anywhere, anytime - every time

    §  Honourable Business

    New portrait: Giacomo Garibaldi
    Gems: 100

    The right Tool for every job

    Consume 500 items

    모든 소켓에 아이템을 500 사용하면 업적.

    Gems: 20 

    The Sea Dogs

    Recruit these imperial Captains:
    아래 제국 선장들을 장착하면 업적

    §  Captain Henry Valiant

    §  Captain Claude Homebird

    Both of these rare items can be bought from Northburgh once the Emperor arrives. They can also both be rewards for the final parts of the Emperor's extensive quests. They can also be rare rewards for Lucius’ and Constanza’s important quests, specifically extensive quests.

    Tip : 아이템 번호 8108, 8136

    Gems: 20 

    The left and right wooden leg of the Devil

    Recruit these Corsair Captains:
    아래 해적 선원들을 장착하면 업적

    §  Redbeard the Vindictive

    §  The accursed Knife-wielder

    Both of these items can be very rarely found from Patrician and Noblemen Expeditions.

    Tip : 아이템 번호 8478, 8517

    Gems: 20 

    Seven voyages

    Recruit these oriental Captains:
    아래 동양 선원들을 장착하면 업적

    §  Aadil the noble Seafarer

    §  Rasul the dreadful Sailor

    Both of these rare items can be bought from Al Zahir once the Sultan arrives. They can also both be rewards for the final parts of the Sultan's extensive quests.

    Tip : 아이템 번호 8588, 8611

    Gems: 20 

    Hammer and anvil

    Recruit these imperial Generals:
    아래 제국 장군들을 장착하면 업적

    §  Lord Ludwig the Crazed

    §  General Hadrian the Cruel

    Both of these rare items can be bought from Northburgh once the Emperor arrives. They can also both be rewards for the final parts of the Emperor's extensive quests. Lord Ludwig can also be a rare reward for Lucius’, Constanza’s, and Barnabas' important quests, specifically extensive quests. General Hadrian can also be a rare reward for Giacomo's, Lucius’, Constanza’s, and Barnabas' important quests, specifically extensive quests.

    Gems: 20 

    Swords of the faithful

    Recruit these oriental Generals:

    아래 두개의 아이템을 항구 창고에 장착하면 업적

    §  Emir Khan the Fearless

    §  General Abdullah the Heroic

    Both of these rare items can be bought from Al Zahir once the Sultan arrives. They can also both be rewards for the final parts of the Sultan's or Al Rashid's extensive quests.

    Tip : 아이템은 술탄의 퀘스트 보상 또는 라시드에게 구매가 가능합니다.

    Gems: 20 

    The Freemasons' Lodge

    Engage these Master builders:

    아래 아이템을 항구 창고에 장착하면 업적

    §  Genial Oriental master builder

    §  Excellent Hanseatic League Master builder

    §  Imperial Cathedral master builder

    All of these items are given as rare rewards for completing quests, particularly important quests such as the final parts of extensive quests.

    Tip : 아이템들은 중요한 퀘스트 희귀보상으로 주어집니다.

    Gems: 20 

    Does the part also comply with the industry standard?

    Engage these craft masters:

    창고에 아래 물건이 모두 장착되면 업적

    §  Armed Craft master

    §  Diligent Guild master

    §  Wealthy Craft master

    §  Craft master who likes a drop

    §  Dandified Craft master

    §  Well-fed Craft master

    All of these items are given as rare rewards for completing quests, particularly important quests such as the final parts of extensive quests.

    Tip : 아이템들은 중요한 퀘스트 희귀보상으로 주어집니다.

    Gems: 20 

    Open your baggage please

    Engage these customs officers:

    창고에 아래 물건이 모두 장착되면 업적

    §  Stout Customs officer

    §  Zealous Customs officer

    §  Cheerful Customs officer

    §  Dapper Customs officer

    §  Portly oriental Customs officer

    §  Refined Customs officer

    §  Assiduous oriental Customs officer

    §  Cheery oriental Customs officer

    All of these items are given as rare rewards for completing quests, particularly important quests such as the final parts of extensive quests.

    Tip : 아이템들은 중요한 퀘스트 희귀보상으로 주어집니다.

    Gems: 20 

    Green Thumb

    Plant all of these seeds once:

    다음 씨앗을 모두 심으면 업적

    §  Almond

    §  Hemp

    §  Clay

    §  Wheat

    §  Grape

    §  Rose

    §  Bee

    §  Coffee

    §  Indigo

    §  Silkworm

    §  Sugar cane

    §  Spice

    §  Herb

    §  Cider

    §  Date

    Tip : 아이템 번호 8012, 8033, 8041, 8015, 8044, 8045, 8046, 8047, 8048, 8049, 8050, 8083, 8082, 8084, 8106

    Gems: 20 


    Use every construction plans once:

    건물이 생기기 도안으로 다음 건물을 모두 지으면 업적

    §  Church

    §  Large noria

    §  Coal mine

    §  Imperial cathedral foundation

    §  Sultan's mosque foundation

    §  Large shipyard

    §  Oriental shipyard

    §  Provisions storehouse

    §  Cemetery

    §  Juggler camp

    §  Oriental juggler camp

    Note: can only be achieved in the original game, not in Venice. This is because Venice doesn't socket plans but destroys them upon use. The Unofficial Patch fixes this.

    Tip : 아이템 번호 8081,8086,8087,8088,8089,8090,8091,

    Gems: 20 

    Flat Earth? What nonsense!

    Use all of these marine charts once:
    아래 보물 지도들을 모두 사용하면 업적

    §  Map of a Lost knight

    §  Marine chart covered in algae

    §  Treasure map shrouded in secrecy

    §  A very mysterious Treasure map

    §  Blood-spattered map

    §  Sealed expedition map

    §  Hand-written Treasure map

    §  Treasure map of a dead Nobleman

    §  Tattered map

    §  Yellowing Treasure map

    §  Torn Marine chart

    §  Tattered map

    Tip : 아이템 번호 8479,8516,8340,8521,8480,8132,8341,8515,8343,8051,


    Gems: 20 

    Animal Lover

    Acquire every domestic animal:
    돌고래, 황새치, 범고래 따라다니면 업적

    §  Playful dolphin

    §  Swordfish as swift as an arrow

    §  Colossal killer whale

    Note: The killer whale can be purchased from Northburgh after building an Imperial cathedral or the Emperor gives it as a rare quest reward. The dolphin and swordfish can be purchased from Al Zahir after building a Sultan's mosque or the Sultan gives each of them as a rare quest rewards.
    범고래는 대성당이 완공 노스에서 희귀품으로 구매 가능합니다.
    황제 퀘스트 보상으로도 주어집니다.
    황새치와 돌고래는 술탄 모스크가 완공 자히르에게 구매 가능합니다.
    술탄 퀘스트 보상으로도 주어집니다.

    Tip : 아이템 번호 8080,8134,8135

    Gems: 20 

    Perhaps we could use that again?

    Save these items from the wrecks of Corsairships:

    해적선을 잡고 해적이 떨군 아래 상자들을 창고에 저장 업적

    §  Spindle with Sailor's yearn

    §  The Captain's wooden leg

    §  Wig full of lice

    §  Empty Rum barrel

    §  Illegible message in a bottle

    §  Picture of a Belly dancer

    §  Galley boy's ladle

    §  Horrific shark bite

    §  Half a wheel

    §  Frivolous figurehead

    §  Lazy Mate's hammock

    §  Destroyed Ship in a bottle

    Tip : 아이템 번호 8524-8533 까지

    Gems: 20 

    Not exactly the Holy Grail

    Save these items from Cuno von Rembold'sexcavation site:

    쿠노 볼트의 발굴을 도와주면 랜덤으로 아이템이 나오는데 아래 아이템을 모두 입수하면 업적

    §  Broken jug

    §  Clay pottery shard

    §  Piece of an antique vase

    §  Smashed Relic

    §  Piece of a goblet

    §  Smashed bust

    §  Fragment of an antique Statue

    §  Smashed Artifact

    §  Fragments of pottery

    §  Parts of a skeleton

    Tip : 발굴 저장하고 로드 하면서 하면 편함

    아이템들이 나올 원하는 물품이 다름

    아이템 번호 8619-8626까지 8

    Gems: 20 


    Use 15 powder kegs in a game.

    15개의 폭탄통을 사용 업적

    Tip : 아이템 번호 8042,8326,8125,8126

    Gems: 20 

    Clear to board!

    Use at least 15 Boarding crews in a game.

    15명의 탈취 전문가( 나포) 사용하면 업적

    Tip : 아이템 번호 8054-8056

    Gems: 20 

    Move on, there's nothing to see!

    Use at least 15 Smoke screens in a game.

    15번의 연막을 사용하면 업적

    Tip : 아이템 번호 8076,8077,8380,8381

    Gems: 20 

    And if you're not willing...

    Use 15 diplomatic Edicts in a game.

    15번의 외교 칙령을 사용하면 업적

    Tip : 아이템 번호 8079,8117,8118,8120,8121,8119,8122,8123,8124

    Gems: 20 

    On behalf of Your Majesty

    Use 15 Letters of marquee in a game.

    15번의 나포 허가증을 사용하면 업적

    Tip : 아이템 번호 8054-8057

    Gems: 20 

    Quick! Has anyone got some white underwear?

    Use 15 White flags in a game.

    15번의 항복 깃발을 사용하면 업적

    Tip : 아이템 번호 8074

    Gems: 20 

    Sail as far as the eye can see

    Build 1,000 ships.

    1,000 대의 배를 만들면 업적

    Gems: 20 

    My other Ship has Cannons

    Build every type of Ship in a game:

    게임에서 아래 배들을 만들면 업적

    §  Small trading ship

    §  Large trading ship

    §  Small warship

    §  Large warship

    §  Large oriental trading ship

    §  Large oriental warship

    §  Caravel

    Gems: 20 

    As good as new!

    Purchase each of these Ships from the Corsairsonce:

    해적에게 아래 배들을 구매 하면 업적

    §  Small trading ship

    §  Large trading ship

    §  Small warship

    §  Large warship

    §  Corsair ship

    §  Coffin ship

    Tip : Coffin ship 해적에게 2-10시간 사이에 극악으로 랜덤하게 나옵니다.

    Gems: 20 

    Shady deals

    Buy 100 ships from the Corsairs.

    해적에게 100척의 배를 구매하면 업적

    Tip : Scourge of the Seven Seas 시나리오에서 완료하면 편함

    Gems: 20 

    Why are things not progressing here

    Use the Express Goods collection 250 times.
    생산된 품목이 쌓여 물건 가져가라고 수레를 누르면 일반 속도가 아닌 랜덤하게 빠르게 이동하는 수레를 보실 있습니다.
    수레를 250 부르면 업적

    (Note: This achievement must be completed within one game. You will notice that you will receive credit for the number you have completed up to the maximum you have ever completed in one game. This number will continue to be displayed in subsequent games until you exceed that amount in the current game, then the counter will resume.)

    Tip : 버그인진 몰라도 서방에서는 안되고 동방에서만 카운트 됩니다.

    오리지널 1.3 기준

    Gems: 20 

    Extra spicy

    Produce 10,000 tons of Spices in a game.

    게임에서 향신료 10,000 톤을 생산하면 업적

    Gems: 20 

    An extensive range

    Produce each of these goods once:
    아래 제품을 모두 생산하면 업적

    §  Spices

    §  Fish

    §  Meat

    §  Bread

    §  Marzipan

    §  Cider

    §  Beer

    §  Wine

    §  Milk

    §  Coffee

    §  Linen garments

    §  Leather jerkins

    §  Fur coats

    §  Brocade robes

    §  Dates

    §  Books

    §  Glasses

    §  Carpets

    §  Candlesticks

    §  Pearl necklaces

    §  Perfume

    Gems: 20 

     I do not build, I have OTHERS build for me

    Acquire a total of 15 City Keys.

    15개의 획득 업적

    Gems: 20 

     Resistance is futile!

    Acquire a total of 50 Council seats.

    50개의 의석을 얻으면 업적

    Gems: 20 


    Sell 500,000 Gold coins' worth of Goods to foreign Trading fleets.

    베니스 무역 함대가 본인 항구에서 500,000 금화의 물건을 구매하면 업적

    Gems: 20 

     I deliver anything, anywhere, anytime - every time

    Sell 500,000 Gold coins' worth of Goods at foreign Harbours.

    베니스 함대가 항구에서 무역으로 500,000 금화의 물건을 사가면 업적

    Gems: 20 

     Honourable Business

    Your Trading Partners are greatly pleased.

    You have gained 10,000 Honour through Trading with the Harbour Islands belonging to Lard Northburgh, Grand Vizier AlZahir, or Signor Garibaldi.

    무역으로 10,000 명예를 얻으면 업적

    Gems: 20 

     Venetian workmanship

    Build the following number of these ships in a single game:

    게임에서 아래의 배를 만들면 업적

    §  Small Tradesman's Cogs: 10

    §  Large Tradesman's Cogs: 10

    Gems: 20 

     No Bards allowed!

    Acquire 3 City Keys from Leif Jorgensen'sislands in the Scenario "The Key to Power".

    "The Key to Power" 시나리오에서 Leif Jorgensen's 3개의 의석을 차지하여 땅을 뺏으면 업적

    Gems: 20 

     Put your money where your mouth is

    Earn 100,000 Gold coins through Trade in the Scenario "Elysium".

    "Elysium" 시나리오에서 100,000 금화가 적립되면 업적

    Gems: 20 


    Hidden Economy Achievements




    The longest Trading route in the world

    Create a trading route with over 25 stations in a game.

    게임에서 하나의 라인으로 25개의 무역 경로를 연결하면 업적

    Gems: 10 

    More is always best!

    Have 35 active trading routes in a game.

    게임에서 35개의 무역 경로를 활성화 시키면 업적

    Gems: 10 

    Unfailing logistics

    Have 35 ships sailing on trading routes in a game.

    게임에서 35개의 무역 노선에 각각 배가 운행되면 업적

    Gems: 10 

    Hansa Teutonica

    Obtain these achievements:

    §  Leave trading to the Boss

    §  More is always best!

    §  The longest Trading route in the world

    §  Unfailing logistics

    Title: The Hanseatic
    Gems: 10

    Itchy feet

    Cover 250,000 Nautical miles with your Flagship in a game.

    게임에서 기함으로 250,000 마일을 돌면 업적

    Tip : 섬을 연결하여 이동시켜 놓으시고 빠르게 동작 현시간 2시간 정도에 돌면 25 마일 정도 이동

    빠르게 1시간 업적과 F1, F2, F3 화면 모드 업적 등과 같이 하는 좋습니다.

    Title: The Globetrotter
    Gems: 10

    You can go home now

    Shut down 500 buildings in a game.

    게임에서 500개의 빌딩을 중지 시키면 업적

    Tip : 쉬프트 키를 누르고 중지하면 같은 종목의 빌딩들은 모두 중지 됩니다.

    Gems: 10 

    The little busy bee

    Produce 500 tons of beeswax in a game.

    게임에서 500톤의 밀납을 만들면 업적

    Gems: 10 

    Turn the hose on!

    Use 50,000 tons of water in Norias in a game.

    게임에서 노리아 50,000 톤을 사용하면 업적

    Gems: 10 

    Dig deeper!

    Spend 100,000 gold coins to renew your raw material deposits in a game.

    게임에서 원료를 구입하는데 100,000 금화를 사용 업적

    Gems: 10 

    Gold fever

    Spend 20,000 gold coins to renew gold mines in a game.

    게임에서 금광 갱신을 위해 20,000 골드를 사용하면 업적

    Gems: 10 

    Out of sight, out of mind

    Throw 500 tons of goods overboard.

    바다로 500톤의 물건을 던지면 업적

    Gems: 10 

    How about tasting it?

    Throw 50 tons of sugar overboard.

    바다에 50톤의 설탕을 던지면 업적

    Gems: 10 

     Paying through the nose

    Buy 50,000 Gold coins' worth of Goods from foreign Trading fleets.

    타국 무역 함대가 본인 항구에서 50,000 금화의 물건 구매 업적

    Gems: 10 

     I'll take that and that and that over there, too

    Buy 50,000 Gold coins' worth of Goods at foreign Harbours. *

    베니스 항구에서 50,000 금화의 물건 구매 업적

    Gems: 10 

     Camel driver

    Buy 500t of Goods from the Caravanserai.

    Caravanserai 에서 500 톤의 물건 구매 업적

    Gems: 10 

     Those poor donkeys

    Brother Hilarius says "Thank you". Buy 500t of Goods from the Mountain monastery.

    Mountain monastery (수도원) 에서 500톤의 물건 구매 업적

    Gems: 10 

     Spending spree

    You are a valued customer. Earn these Achievements:

    아래 업적들을 완료하면 업적

    §  Paying through the nose

    §  I'll take that and that and that over there, too

    §  Camel driver

    §  Those poor donkeys

    Title: The Prodigal
    Gems: 10

     And how is anything supposed to grow there?

    Simultaneously own 5 empty Norias in a single game.

    싱글 게임에서 5개의 노리아를 가지고 있으면 업적

    Gems: 10 

     Fine, then I'll just buy it all back!

    Lose 50 Council seats to other Players.

    다른 플레이어에게 50 좌석을 잃게 되면 업적

    Tip : 하드 게임으로 시작하자마자 모든 섬을 점령하면 나중에 의석을 뺏는데 이때 타이밍에 맞춰 저장 로드를 하면서 진행하면 편함

    Gems: 10 

     Why do I even bother?

    All that building for nothing! Lose 10 City Keys.

    10 키를 뺏기면 업적

    Tip : 하드 게임으로 시작하자마자 모든 섬을 점령하면 나중에 의석을 뺏는데 이때 타이밍에 맞춰 저장 로드를 하면서 진행하면 편함

    Gems: 10 

     Economic crisis

    Master these Achievements:

    아래 업적을 완료하면 업적

    §  Fine, then I'll just buy it all back!

    §  Why do I even bother?

    Gems: 10 

     Could you tell me where Murano is?

    Produce 500t of Glass.

    유리 500톤을 생산하면 업적

    Gems: 10 

     Alcohol is not a solution

    Your Population consumes 10,000t of Beer in a single game.

    싱글 게임에서 맥주 10,000 톤을 소비하면 업적

    Title: The Brewmaster
    Gems: 10

     Do you have anything to declare?

    Receive 500t of Goods through Customs duties.

    관세를 통해 제품의 500 톤을 받으면 업적

    Title: The Customs Officer
    Gems: 10

     Pretty choosy

    Change the Selection of Goods on offer at the Harbour Islands 20 times.

    베니스 항구에서 주사위로 20 물건을 바꾸면 업적

    Gems: 10 

     There's still room in the attic

    Have 20 Items stored in one of your Warehouses.

    항구 창고에 20개의 아이템이 있으면 업적

    Gems: 10 


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